From the Middle Ages to the Baroque
Logge dei Tiratori - Piazza 40 Martiri - Gubbio
May 31 - July 1, 2018 (extended until July 15)
Organized by the CariPerugia Art Foundation and opened May 31 at the Logge dei Tiratori della Lana in Gubbio, the exhibition "A Journey in Italian Art from the Middle Ages to the Baroque" offers a compelling journey through the history of Italian art. Among the most valuable works in the exhibition, made from the works of collector Giorgio Baratti, is a panel painting of The Madonna of Milk referred to an Abruzzese master from the mid-13th century. We then encounter sculptures (in marble, terracotta, wood, bronze) made by artists active between the 15th and 16th centuries, including Antonio Elia, Gregorio di Lorenzo, Niccolò de' Conti, Agostino de' Fondulis, and Raffaello da Montelupo. Equally rich is the collection of paintings from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. The presence of more or less well-known painters belonging to different schools will allow an understanding of the peculiar and complex Italian artistic geography.
The Venetian school is represented by Giovanni Cariani, Felice Brusasorci, Girolamo Forabosco, and Sebastiano Ricci; the Lombard school by Stefano Danedi known as Montalto, Francesco Cairo and Giacomo Ceruti; the Florentine one by Zanobi Poggini and Santi di Tito. Prominent in the picture gallery are works by such celebrated painters as. Guido Reni (from Bologna), Battistello Caracciolo (from Naples) and Pier Francesco Mola (from Ticino, active in Rome). Thus understood, the exhibition will give an account of the evolution of styles and offer a broad overview of the subjects tackled by the artists, from the sacred theme to the genres of still life(Meiffren Comte) and portraiture(Giuseppe Vermiglio). In addition to sculptures and paintings, we will find a fine collection of furniture and objects(tapestries, wedding chests, altar frontals, armchairs, tables) referable to Italian and foreign manufactures between the 16th and 17th centuries.
Online press review
29/05/2018 - A journey through Italian art from the Middle Ages to the Baroque (Fondazionecariperugiaarte.it)
29/05/2018 - A journey through Italian art from the Middle Ages to the Baroque (Photogallery from Fondazionecariperugiaarte.it)
29/05/2018 - Everything is ready for the opening of Giorgio Baratti's exhibition. A journey through art among sculptures, paintings and furniture (Perugiatoday.it)
29/05/2018 - 'A journey in Italian art' exhibition opens in Gubbio (Umbriaoggi.news)
03/07/2018 - A journey in Italian art, in Gubbio extended to July 15 the exhibition ranging from the Middle Ages to the Baroque (Umbrianotizieweb.it)